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The reusable 'spaceplane' that could replace rockets and fly humans to space and back

An aircraft that can carry passengers and payloads out of the Earth’s atmosphere and back is set to revolutionise space missions.

Radian Aerospace, a US-based company, is preparing to test a scale model of its “spaceplane” this year, which could impact the way space travel is conducted if successful. 

The company was founded in 2016 with the goal of reviving the dream of a Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO) spaceplane - a goal that NASA attempted through the Lockheed Martin X-33 programme before ceasing funding in 2001.

The new spaceplane, called Radian One, is set to be fully reusable and is designed to replace traditional vertical launches with a rocket-powered sled system.

"We believe that widespread access to space means limitless opportunities for humankind," Richard Humphrey, CEO and co-founder of Radian Aerospace, said in a statement.  

"Over time, we intend to make space travel nearly as simple and convenient as airliner travel. We are not focused on tourism, we are dedicated to missions that make life better on our own planet, like research, in-space manufacturing, and terrestrial observation, as well as critical new missions like rapid global delivery right here on Earth".

While rockets remain the most effective and dominant method for launching objects into space to date, they come with significant drawbacks, with NASA even describing them as "terribly inefficient and expensive". 

However, spaceplanes, which require less fuel and are fully reusable, could offer a more economical and comfortable alternative for space travel.

Radian One is a space vehicle designed to launch and land horizontally, much like a jet aircraft, setting it apart from traditional rockets that launch vertically. 

The spacecraft uses a rocket-powered