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'I'm a school teacher - and this is the one thing that gets my kids to school on time'

Getting children ready and into school on time is often a struggle, particularly during the winter when mornings are chilly and dim. However, an assistant headteacher has now divulged her recipe for success.

Holly Hill Church School in Rubery now offers breakfast to all its pupils, courtesy of the Tesco Fruit and Veg for Schools scheme. While teachers hoped that the extra fruit and vegetables would nourish both body and mind, the unforeseen bonus was a boost in punctuality.

School bursar Michelle Evans spends her weekends picking up the fresh produce with the Tesco-provided gift card to ensure they have plenty for the kids each day. She commented: "We are based in one of the most deprived parts of Birmingham. If we can relieve pressure on parents, we will do what we can."

Assistant headteacher Cally Parsonage said: "As a result of the Tesco Fruit and Veg for Schools scheme, we've seen greater punctuality and it's taken that pressure off parents."

"The children get really excited. They run straight over to the big red trays in the morning to find out what fruit and veg they've got. It gives opportunities for children to try a wide variety of fruit and vegetables from nursery through to Y2 and this gives them healthier bodies and minds.", reports Birmingham Live.

She further commented: "The children look forward to the breakfasts because we have a conversation around the food and this helps to build oracy and vocab. We have a really strong focus on, as John Wesley (theologian) said, 'living life to the fullest' and are doing all we can to enable that for our children."

"Parents have responded well to the fruit and veg, they've been actively talking about it because they know their children are having breakfast."
