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Firefighters descend on Greater Manchester warehouse after blaze breaks out

Firefighters have descended on a Bury street after a blaze broke out at a warehouse. Six fire engines were sent out to Kirklees Street, in Tottington, after a fire began at WES Fabrications.

Emergency services were called out to the scene shortly before 11.10am today (February 4). Eyewitnesses reported seeing smoke billowing from the building in the surrounding area.

Images from the scene show fire damage to the roof of the warehouse. Crews remain in attendance after extinguishing the fire, to make sure the scene is safe.

A Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: "At just before 11.10am on Tuesday (February 4) six fire engines from Bolton, Bolton North, Ramsbottom, Hindley and Bury fire stations plus the turntable ladder and drone were called to a fire involving a steel container in a warehouse on Kirkless Street, Tottington.

"Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus used hose reels to extinguish the fire. Crews remain in attendance to dampen down any remaining hot spots and to make the surrounding area safe alongside partner agencies.”