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Library with 'a tree growing out of the front’ to be repaired

Long-awaited repairs to a library from which ‘chunks of masonry’ have fallen to the pavement have been approved. A meeting of Bolton Council’s planning committee heard that Westhoughton library was in such a state of disrepair that ‘a tree was growing out of the front’.

The meeting heard that he council-run library, which dates back to 1906, had been partially surrounded by scaffolding for many months after sections of the exterior brickwork fell on to the pavement below. Planning committee member, Westhoughton councillor David Wilkinson slammed the amount of time taken to action the repairs saying ‘if you’d left it any longer the front would have fallen off’.

The building is a Carnegie library, built with money donated by Scottish-American businessman and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. A total of 2,509 such libraries were built between 1883 and 1929.

Addressing the meeting, Coun Wilkinson said that images of the building shown to the committee were ‘old’ and did not show the extent of the present damage. He said: “There are large chunks of the building now missing and there’s been scaffolding there for three years.

“That is an inaccurate picture showing members what the current situation is at the library. “It has taken far too long for this council to get its act together to do the repairs.”

Coun Wilkinson then extended his palms about 18 inches apart and said ‘we’re talking lumps of brick this big falling from the building’. He added: “We’ve been too slow, too inefficient and not good enough.”

Fellow Westhouston councillor Arthur Price welcomed the repairs. He said: “For the past few years I have raised the condition of the front of Westhoughton library with damage and trees growing out of the front .

“Then 15 months