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Labour-run DWP shows Tory PIP work assessment plan would 'significantly' affect claimants

In a move towards greater transparency in the benefits system, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has revealed that disabled claimants with mental health issues would be "significantly" affected by plans to scrap the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). This major reform was proposed by the former Conservative government, but faced fierce opposition.

Disability advocate John Pring, editor of the Disability News Service, had been engaged with the Tory-run DWP in a lengthy dispute over a Freedom of Information request seeking the department's assessment of the reform's impact on those affected by equalities legislation. This dispute escalated until the Information Commissioner demanded the DWP release the information, which the government appealed.

But rather than take the disability rights publication to court, the Labour-run DWP decided to release the equality impact assessment in full "due to the passage of time." And the department's own report is damning, finding that scrapping WCAs would create winners and losers, with men, older people, and those with mental health issues "more like to be impacted" than other groups.

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The reports seen by the Disability News Service reads: "Men are more likely to be impacted by the change than women, older people are more likely to be impacted than younger people and, because of the exclusion of the ‘risk’ group… claimants with mental health impairments are significantly more likely to be impacted than claimants with physical health impairments”

Before the July General Election, Labour said that WCAs needed to be "reformed or replaced," while promising a "proper plan" for disability