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Martin Lewis says 'time to act' on DWP Pension Credit for Winter Fuel Payment

Martin Lewis has issued an urgent call to the public, urging them to ensure that older individuals in their circles including friends, relatives, and neighbours are aware that eligibility for this year's Winter Fuel Payment hinges on receiving a means-tested benefit like Pension Credit.

Just this week, the consumer advocate supported the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) 'Week of Action' campaign, which is designed to boost the uptake of Pension Credit, a benefit that remains underclaimed. He is actively encouraging nearly 900,000 pensioners to use the online calculator or call the Pension Credit helpline at 0800 99 1234 to check if they're entitled to claim.

In anticipation of his upcoming discussion with Chancellor Rachel Reeves, where he plans to suggest expanding the eligibility criteria to include those in lower Council Tax bands, the MoneySavingExpert (MSE) founder is also advising pensioners who have previously had claims turned down to reassess their situation.

In the latest edition of the MSE newsletter, he writes: "If you were just over the margin before (primarily due to a small private pension) you might be newly eligible, as in April the Pension Credit threshold was increased by 8.5%. For a few, it's worth checking again. Also, if you've got new responsibilities as a carer, it's vital to recheck."

Martin Lewis has been vocally advocating for Pension Credit awareness, emphasising its importance as a "key payment for low-income State Pensioners" and the significant annual boost of £3,900 it can provide. With the urgency heightened by the risk of many missing out on up to £300 for heating this winter, he stressed that out of an estimated 2.2 million eligible individuals, around 880,000 fail to claim their