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'I'm a flight attendant – I always leave my car in this safe spot at airport'

A flight attendant has revealed her top tip for where to park your car at the airport - but not everyone is convinced.

Cierra Mistt shared a series of "secrets you need for your next flight" on her TikTok page, including advice on where to leave your vehicle when heading off on holiday.

She warned travellers to be cautious about where they park – as it's not unheard of for cars to be broken into or damaged in airport car parks.

In her video, she advises: "Here's some secrets all flight attendants and pilots use when travelling - and now you can too. When it comes to parking and you want to make sure your vehicle is safe at the airport, park on either the top floor parking garage or very back of economy parking."

She added: "At this point, you might be thinking, 'Why would I do that? It's the furthest away and not guarded at all'. This is actually the parking where all of the employees of the airport along with the crew members that are going to be on trips park. Security is constantly monitoring that area to make sure nobody breaks into those cars and the shuttles are over there more than any other place because they need to make sure their employees get to work on time."

While some social media users expressed gratitude for her suggestions, others were confident in their own methods of protecting their vehicles. One user commented: "I live in Colorado, we have big hail. I'd never leave my car unsheltered! But good tips otherwise." Another chimed in with a practical issue: "My truck doesn't fit in the parking garage."

A third user anticipated an upcoming trip, writing: "Perfect since I'm going somewhere on Thursday." And another said: "Well that's good to know."

Other ways to protect your car in an airport car park