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He said he was 'warming' his 'chicken' in the sauna - the truth was disgusting

A swimmer who pleasured himself in the sauna at a university leisure centre claimed he was cold and was 'warming it up', a court has heard.

Xin Zhang, 59, was seen with his shorts 'down below his knees' touching himself whilst 'staring' at a 'shocked' woman who could see him through the glass window, magistrates were told. Prosecutors said he had become 'aroused' by the feeling of the pool jets on his bottom.

He was confronted by staff who told him he was banned and alerted the police. He was charged and pleaded guilty to a charge of outraging public decency at an earlier hearing.

He admitted touching his private parts. However, he denied he was masturbating or that it was a 'sexual act.'

In his basis of plea, Zhang said he was 'cold from having been swimming and put his hands into his shorts to warm his penis', the court was told.

On Monday (February 3), he appeared in Bolton Magistrates' Court for a trial of issue, where magistrates were asked to rule if they accepted his version of events.

Following a hearing lasting several hours, the bench said there were 'inconsistencies' with his account as they ruled that 'the act was for sexual gratification.' He will be sentenced in June with 'all options on the table.'

Zhang, who has lived in the UK for more than 20 years, had been a member of the Tom Husband Leisure Centre at Salford University for more than 10 of those and visited five to six times a week, the court was told.

On a day in March 2023, he said he had been in the pool for almost an hour and had swam more than 1,000 metres when he went to the sauna.

He was then seen 'with his shorts down rubbing his behind on the bench and touching himself in the sauna whilst staring at (a woman) through the glass window of the