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Gogglebox star Tom Malone rushed to hospital after mystery injury

Gogglebox star Tom Malone Senior has revealed he was taken into hospital and given a rather peculiar dressing for a wound.

The dad, part of the Manchester-based Malones family on the hit TV show, shared a snap on social media of himself in a hospital bed while wearing a gown after being admitted.

But the star, who sits alongside his wife and son on the Channel 4 programme, was left confused when a nurse stated they had used a nappy to treat a wound, the Mirror reports.

The reality star took to Instagram on Monday evening (February 3) to share a photograph of himself from inside a hospital. He had his arm in a sling and a medical gown had been draped around him - while his injured arm and shoulder were uncovered.

The picture showed a large bandage strapped into place over his shoulder, and the photograph showed him looking down at his injury.

It was not overly clear what had happened to the Channel 4 star - but he posted a reasonably upbeat message alongside the photo. He wrote: "Woke up with a nappy as a dressing, was caught off guard when the nurse said she had to change my nappy ! Grateful to our NHS, top notch care Thank you, home now!"

Fans were alarmed by the update - with many begging for more updates as the reality star did not explain what had happened. One asked: "Can you let us all know what you have had done please." While another wrote: "Oh no! What happened?"

Others were quick to send their best wishes to Tom, with one writing: "Speedy recovery." And another typing: "Wishing you well."

The Malone family have featured on Gogglebox since season four of the show - meaning they've been sharing their views from their sofa for more than a decade as their first appearance was in 2014. Son Tom Malone Jr quit the