FIFA vice president and Vancouver native Victor Montagliani will give testimony via video conference at the Safe Sport in Canada hearings looking into Canada Soccer on Thursday, March 30.
Montagliani, along with recently-resigned Canada Soccer president Nick Bontis and current Canada Soccer chief financial officer Sean Heffernan were summoned by the committee of MPs last week.
Committee member Anthony Housefather said the trio was called to appear because they have been involved at the highest levels of Canadian soccer for the last two decades. "They ...
were instrumental in all of the major decisions we are looking at ranging from the agreement between Canada Soccer and [Canadian Soccer Business] to the Bob Birarda case and how Canada Soccer deals with questions of harassment," said Housefather, Liberal MP for Mount Royal. "I think we are hoping to understand their explanations for things such as why the [CSB] agreement was negotiated the way it was and why Birarda was allowed to continue coaching even after Canada Soccer had specific knowledge of multiple allegations.