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WWE Scandal: Brock Lesnar Named In Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon Over Sexual Misconduct

In a significant update in the legal battle between former WWE employee Janel Grant and Vince McMahon, WWE and UFC star Brock Lesnar has been named and added to the lawsuit. The new allegations involving Lesnar come against the backdrop of Grant's original lawsuit, which accused McMahon of sexual misconduct. In the legal battle between former WWE employee Janel Grant and Vince McMahon, the addition of WWE and UFC star Brock Lesnar is a major development. The fresh allegations come after Grant's original lawsuit accused McMahon of sexual misconduct. 

According to the allegation, in 2020, McMahon instructed Ms. Grant to create customised pornographic content for a producer to which representatives of McMahon have responded. 

Ms. Grant stated that Mr. McMahon asked her to make specific sexual content and send it to Brock Lesnar. In the updated 104-page lawsuit it is stated that Ms. Grant was 'offered' to Brock Lesnar for a “sexual encounter”. The lawsuit also states that she was “ultimately conditioned” to create and send sexually explicit content during her time in WWE. 

The 104-page lawsuit mentions that McMahon asked Ms.Grant to share specific sexual content to the WWE Hall of Famer and producer Michael Hayes, which was meant to be shared with his crew. Lesnar and Hayes are not being sued in this case. 

"Ms. Grant's amended complaint reveals new details. That further demonstrates the sexual abuse Janel Grant suffered at the hands of Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis and pulls back the curtain on the dangerous workplace culture McMahon created at WWE. Ms. Grant looks forward to holding her abusers accountable in a court of law,” Grant's lawyer Ann Callis said in a statement.

In the lawsuit it said: "McMahon actively