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The ‘public health crisis’ causing record-breaking numbers of UK deaths

Experts have warned of a “public health crisis” as deaths caused by alcohol soared to a record high in the UK, according to the latest figures.

It marks the fourth year in a row alcohol-specific deaths have increased, with experts blaming the Covid pandemic for worsening drinking habits.

There were 10,473 deaths caused specifically by alcohol in the UK in 2023, up four per cent from the 10,048 recorded in 2022, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

In England and Wales, death rates increased between 2022 and 2023 to 15.0 and 17.7 per 100,000 people. The North East had the highest rate of alcohol deaths (25.7) while the East Midlands had the lowest (11.5).

Experts are calling for policy changes to limit alcohol harms. Clare Taylor, chief operating officer at Turning Point, Scotland’s leading social care developer and provider, warned the “continued high level of alcohol deaths is a public health crisis”.

Taylor said: “Alcohol-related deaths are preventable, and access to treatment remains the key protective factor. While numbers in treatment have increased significantly, too many are not getting the support they need early enough and there is still a great deal of stigma associated with alcohol problems.

“Preventing alcohol harm needs to be a national policy priority. We need better education and training for healthcare professionals working in GP surgeries, A&E departments and on hospital wards, and better joint working with community drug and alcohol services.”

Many experts have blamed the Covid-19 pandemic for the rise in alcohol-specific deaths. Existing research shows that alcohol consumption in England significantly increased during the pandemic, with the heaviest drinkers increasing their