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Sub standard - Paul Flynn backs Jim McGuinness call for a sixth replacement

RTÉ GAA analysts Paul Flynn and Tomás Ó Sé have both backed Jim McGuinness's call for football teams to be allowed to make six substitutions.

Speaking after Saturday evening’s Division 1 win over Dublin, the Tir Chonaill boss said that the taxing nature of the new rule enhancements means that an extra body is necessary to reduce the risk of injury.

"I feel for Dublin, they lost three players with hamstrings. I think that's definitely something that has to be looked at," McGuinness said.

"Peadar Mogan would be one of our fitter lads and he was really struggling at the end and we had the five subs on and we couldn't get him off.

"In the first document the FRC [Football Review Committee] put out, there were six subs and I saw that and thought that would be good and would take a bit of pressure off."

'He's got access to the data, he's seen the metrics' - the panel agree with Jim McGuinness's proposal that more subs should be allowed under the new rules#RTEgaa