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Sources - NBA gambling ring also tied to college basketball games - ESPN

A gambling ring currently under federal investigation for its role in two NBA betting cases also was involved in unusual wagering activity on at least three men's college basketball programs this season, sources told ESPN on Monday.

Sportsbook accounts connected to the gambling ring bet against North Carolina A&T, Mississippi Valley State and Eastern Michigan in games this season, sources said.

Some of the same accounts also placed large wagers on prop bets involving former Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter in two games during the 2023-24 NBA season and veteran guard Terry Rozier in 2023, when he was with the Charlotte Hornets, sources said. Porter has admitted to manipulating his performance during the games for gambling purposes; Rozier has declined to comment on a reported investigation into unusual betting on his performance in a select game.

The sportsbook accounts linked to the gambling ring also wagered on a Temple game flagged for suspicious betting last March. Sources familiar with the ongoing investigations said the ring targeted additional college basketball programs over the past two seasons.

Officials at North Carolina A&T and Mississippi Valley State did not respond to requests for comment regarding the betting case. North Carolina A&T athletic director Earl Hilton did tell ESPN in an email that the recent suspension of three basketball players was for a violation «of well-established team rules» but declined further comment, citing privacy laws.

Eastern Michigan officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

«The NCAA takes sports betting very seriously and is committed to the protection of student-athlete well-being and the integrity of competition,» the NCAA said in a statement to