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Several arrested as climate activists block major highway in The Hague

Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion blocked a major road in the Dutch city The Hague on Saturday.

Authorities had banned the protest and police erected screens and fences on the A12 highway to try to stop protesters reaching the road on foot.

However, several hundred demonstrators in smaller groups managed to reach the highway and the blockage prevented city traffic from entering or leaving via that stretch of road.

Some protesters were detained but police didn't say how many. Water cannons were also deployed in a bid to break up the protest.

In recent years, this section of the highway has regularly been blocked by the Dutch branch of the Extinction Rebellion climate organisation. They are against the government's plans regarding fossil fuel subsidies.

The new right-wing government is reintroducing the subsidies that had previously been abolished.

"It's a long-term protest to stop fossil subsidies. We must keep on protesting," said one protester.

"Now, you can see the fires in Los Angeles and many other places are disasters. We must react much faster to the climate crisis," she added.

Another protester said they are angry that the Dutch government, "gives €47 billion each year to the most polluting business in the Netherlands."

In 2023, the Dutch government said yearly fossil subsidies amounted to between €39.7 and 46.4 billion.