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Roger Goodell shuts down notion NFL officials partial to Chiefs - ESPN

NEW ORLEANS — NFL commissioner Roger Goodell did his best to shut down the popular notion that NFL officials are partial toward the Kansas City Chiefs, calling it a «ridiculous theory.»

«This sort of reminds me a little bit of the script,» he said during his state of the league address Monday. «That I write a script, and I have the script for the entire season… I think it reflects a lot of the fans' passion, and I think it also is a reminder for us how important officiating is. And I think the men and women that officiate the NFL are outstanding. They have the highest possible standards.»

He added, «Our officials are evaluated in several ways. It's not just the performance on the field, but it's things that go on in their own lives, and we have a very tight control over that. We monitor that very closely in a number of ways.»

Goodell pointed to the Chiefs' performance in one score games this season: Eleven of their 17 games were within one score.

«I think that talks about the competitiveness of our game and the importance of how we officiate it, but also the competitiveness of how we play it,» he said.

Goodell said the league is always trying to improve on officiating, and he credited replay assist with being beneficial this season and said the competition committee will meet this offseason to discuss expanding replay assist to include more plays, such as face mask penalties.

«We want to use technology to supplement and to assist and support the officials in getting it right,» he said.

Other topics discussed by Goodell on Monday:

• On the sexual misconduct allegations against Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker published by the Baltimore Banner: «I was surprised, but also, you know, there's a process for that, as you