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'People are screaming down their doors because they're unhappy'

Stockport's biggest landlord has been told to improve after councillors shared 'grave concerns' about how it manages the borough’s social housing.

Stockport Homes runs more than 12,000 properties, including the council’s housing stock and 22 high rise blocks. Councillors say large numbers of residents are facing major problems with their homes and are losing trust in the landlord.

The Manchester Evening News has spoken to residents who claim repairs have taken months or even years to fix, and that they do not feel listened to when reporting problems to Stockport Homes.

Stockport Homes has always maintained that it has teams out around its accommodation to resolve repairs and complaints, with a commitment to working with tenants and councillors. An independent review was launched last year looking at whether the firm should be brought back under control of the council.

The report by Deloitte found that Stockport Homes is a ‘high performing’ organisation, with a suggestion of keeping the existing model of operation as an arm's length management organisation (ALMO).

But it highlighted a perceived culture of ‘defensiveness’ and a ‘lack of accountability’ at Stockport Homes when dealing with concerns raised by councillors. It also revealed a ‘lack of timely communication during repairs and complaints’ which has created ‘significant anxiety and uncertainty for tenants’ and contributed to ‘eroding trust.’

It went on to reveal that councillors felt they had to step in to help residents with complaints, and that when they did contact Stockport Homes they felt their input was ‘not welcomed’ by the firm. Stockport Homes’ tenant satisfaction surveys were also questioned during the review.

It found that Stockport Homes favoured