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'I couldn't wait to see the faces of the UK extradition officers', says cage fighter who spent years on the run in Dubai

Former cage fighter Paul "Boom Boom" Cahoon - who spent nearly a decade on the run in Dubai as one of Merseyside's most wanted men - was finally caught after suffering a brain injury.

A "senior figure" in a gang that trafficked tens of thousands of pounds-worth of cocaine and amphetamine between Liverpool and South Wales, he spent over a year in Middle Eastern custody before being extradited back to the UK.

During his remand period, the now 47-year-old alleges he was not allowed outside for three months, was repeatedly assaulted and forced to sleep on the floor. Cahoon described his experience as "traumatic" and claims he was "humbled", adding that he "couldn't wait to see" the police officers who brought him back to the UK to face justice, reports the Liverpool Echo.

After being accused of conspiracy to supply cocaine and amphetamine at Liverpool Crown Court, he changed his plea to guilty during the second day of his trial this week. He returned to the same court for sentencing on Friday (January 10).

Prosecutor Stephen McNally told a jury of six men and six women on Tuesday Cahoon "had some notoriety" due to his "successful mixed martial arts competing career", during which he went by the nickname "Boom Boom". The court heard he was linked to hauls of illicit class A and B substances worth up to £83,000 via meetings and mobile phone contact with supposed co-conspirators.

One of these came on the evening of January 27 2015, when a Ford Transit van was stopped by police on Lunt's Heath Road in Widnes. The driver was described by officers as being "extremely nervous" and "stuttering his words" at this time, with his hands seen "shaking".

The vehicle was initially seized due to him having no insurance but, when