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Could these ‘motionless’ turbines solve wind energy’s noise and wildlife problems?

The UK’s first “motionless” wind energy system has been installed on a roof in Oxford.

When we think of wind energy, wind turbines naturally spring to mind - elegant blades spinning to drive an electricity generator. 

But as the renewable energy revolution surges forward, more and more technologies are being developed to fit various niches and help wean the world off fossil fuels faster.

Motionless wind energy designs, like this one from US company Aeromine Technologies, have the advantage of being quieter and somewhat safer for birds.  

The prototype is being trialled on the roof of German carmaker BMW’s MINI manufacturing plant in Oxford, before being installed elsewhere in the UK and Europe.

Like heat pumps and other components of the clean energy transition, the wind energy unit isn’t much to look at. 

It takes up a fairly unassuming spot on the edge of the plant roof, angled towards the prevailing wind.

The white unit comprises vertical airfoils that create a vacuum effect, drawing wind behind an internal propeller to generate electricity. 

“Our “motionless” wind energy technology is designed to work seamlessly alongside solar systems, maximising the renewable energy output from rooftops while helping address challenges like noise, vibrations, and wildlife impact,” explains Claus Lønborg, managing director at Aeromine.

The unit works with an existing rooftop solar system of 11,000 panels - covering an area the size of five football pitches, and generating enough electricity to power the equivalent of 850 households for a year.

The idea is for the wind unit to step up when solar power conditions weaken in the evenings and during winter.

Funding came via the BMW Startup Garage, which backs cutting-edge technologies by