Video Anak Simeone Brace, Atletico Pesta Gol ke Gawang Getafe
Giuliano Simeone mencetak brace di laga Atletico Madrid vs Getafe. Atletico mencukur Getafe lima gol tanpa balas dan berhak melaju ke semifinal Copa del Rey. is a large online platform sharing the best live coverage of your favourite sports: Football, Golf, Rugby, Cricket, F1, Boxing, NFL, NBA, plus the latest sports news, transfers & scores. Exclusive interviews, fresh photos and videos, breaking news. Stay tuned to know everything you wish about your favorite stars 24/7. Check our daily updates and make sure you don't miss anything about celebrities' lives.
Giuliano Simeone mencetak brace di laga Atletico Madrid vs Getafe. Atletico mencukur Getafe lima gol tanpa balas dan berhak melaju ke semifinal Copa del Rey.