Meme MU Diterkam Crystal Palace, Balik ke Posisi Keramat 13
Manchester - Manchester United diterkam Crystal Palace di kandang dan harus balik ke posisi 13 klasemen. Setan Merah jadi bahan 'rujakan' lewat meme di media sosial. Duh! is a large online platform sharing the best live coverage of your favourite sports: Football, Golf, Rugby, Cricket, F1, Boxing, NFL, NBA, plus the latest sports news, transfers & scores. Exclusive interviews, fresh photos and videos, breaking news. Stay tuned to know everything you wish about your favorite stars 24/7. Check our daily updates and make sure you don't miss anything about celebrities' lives.
Manchester - Manchester United diterkam Crystal Palace di kandang dan harus balik ke posisi 13 klasemen. Setan Merah jadi bahan 'rujakan' lewat meme di media sosial. Duh!