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GMP officer admits more sex offences involving 4,016 indecent images of children

A Greater Manchester Police officer, who has admitted a string of child sex offences, has been warned that he is likely to face a lengthy sentence for public protection.

PC Dean Dempster has previously admitted sexually assaulting a six-year-old girl while on duty and today (September 4), he admitted a further eight offences. The 35-year-old, of Langford Road, Manchester, appeared at Liverpool Crown Court via video link from HMP Forest Bank, to face the new charges which involve two of misconduct in public office and six involving making a total of 4,016 indecent images of children.

Dempster, who served with GMP in the Oldham division as a response officer, is to be sentenced on November 13. The first misconduct offence states that in 2022 while making missing person enquiries he recorded his interaction with a child and family members, who were in night clothes, on his body camera and then copied the images of them onto his mobile device for his own personal gratification.

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The second misconduct charge involves attending a domestic incident as a response officer and taking an image of the vulnerable child victim on his personal mobile for his own gratification. The other charges involve making indecent photographs and pseudo photographs of children in all three categories of seriousness - 104 in the most serious category.

At the previous hearing he admitted sexually touching a six-year-old girl while on duty in Oldham. Vanessa Thomson, prosecuting, told the court that police inquiries are on-going and Dempster should not presume there will be no further charges.

The defendant is a former Army reservist who joined the force in 2021 after serving as a