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Commanders fire VP for comments on players, Jones, Goodell - ESPN

ASHBURN, Va. — The Commanders have fired an employee one day after a video surfaced in which he made comments about the team's players being anti-gay, accused Cowboys owner Jerry Jones of being racist and called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a "$50 million puppet."

Rael Enteen, Washington's vice president of content the previous four years, also criticized fans and called them «mouth breathers.»

The team on Thursday confirmed the firing via a spokesperson but had no other comment on the matter.

Washington had suspended Enteen on Wednesday, shortly after the video from the O'Keefe Media Group was played on social media platforms. According to the video, Enteen had met the woman on the dating app Hinge, but she turned out to be undercover for the media group. They met twice in June at restaurants in D.C.

In a statement Wednesday, the team said it would investigate the situation. Less than 24 hours later, it fired Enteen.

«The language used in the video runs counter to our values at the Commanders organization,» a Commanders spokesperson said in the initial statement.

Enteen told the undercover reporter that «over 50% of our roster is white religious, and God says, 'F--- the gays.' Their interpretation. I don't buy any of that. Another big chunk is low-income African Americans that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic.»

He also said, «I don't think the commissioner of the NFL hates gay people, hates black people. Jerry Jones, who really runs the NFL, I think he hates gay people, black people.»

Enteen, who was with the Jets for two years before coming to Washington, called the league's social justice initiatives «performative.»

«It's not done out of the goodness of their heart,» he said. «It's done