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Barry Robson defends Aberdeen FC recruitment amid slow start as he admits English AND Scottish markets too expensive

Barry Robson has defended Aberdeen’s summer recruitment and insisted the Scottish and English markets have become far too expensive.

The Dons boss brought in 13 players and it has taken time for his new-look squad to settle. Robson said: “You get priced out of England because it’s far too expensive, and it’s far too expensive in Scotland now too. So you have to try to be bright with your recruitment and that’s what we’ve tried to be. The fans want to see an Aberdeen team, not a loan team. Over the last few years, for whatever reason, we’ve turned over 12 or 13 players every summer. That doesn’t work. We want to get to the stage where you’re changing two or three in windows and be ahead of the game.

“Loans are important, I get that, and we will use the loan market but I just like the look of us being an Aberdeen team. They are our players. They have their families here, they have got homes here. That’s what I want to build unity within the squad. The other thing is we’re trying to build value in the squad. If they perform to what they can do, there will be a lot of players who are worth a right few quid.

“The board has been great. I spoke to chairman Dave Cormack and the rest of the board and I told them we needed to build a squad who are going to be here, who we can work with over a period of time.

“That’s the model we have to work to. We can’t be taking 29 or 30-year-olds who have a history of injury. Our average age is 23 this season.

"Hopefully that brings the speed and energy we’re looking for. Character is a big thing for me and we’ve been able to get that no matter where players have come from.”