"The Hamas terrorists (...) have a jihadist ideology. And this is not about resistance or freedom fighting. This is about pure hate," Herzog said.
Asked about the sexual crimes allegedly committed by Hamas members against Israeli women on October 7, Israel's first lady said they are "one of the most filmed and photographed crimes in the world". "And yet, people turn around and ask: 'so what is the evidence?'" Watch more Evidence mounts of sexual crimes perpetrated by Hamas during Oct.
7 attack on Israel On January 8, two UN experts demanded that those who committed sexual violence during the October 7 Hamas attacks be held accountable, saying that mounting evidence of rape and genital mutilation could amount to crimes against humanity. "It does come late," Herzog admitted, noting that it took UN Women eight weeks to condemn Hamas's sexual crimes.
However, she welcomed "this change in the UN view". Daily newsletterReceive essential international news every morning Take international news everywhere with you!