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Footballer-Turned Cyclist David Beckham Wins Gold In National Games

Andaman and Nicobar Islands cyclist David Beckham Elkatohchoongo, whose last name saved him from being denied entry in the United Kingdom for the 2022 Commonwealth Games, on Tuesday won gold in the men's elite sprint event at the National Games here. The 21-year-old Elkatohchoongo clocked a time of 10.691 seconds in two laps to win the gold while Laitonjam Ronaldo Singh (10.724 seconds) of Manipur and another Andaman and Nicobar Islands cyclist Esow Alben (10.826 seconds) took the silver and bronze respectively. It was a tough fight among the three best cyclists of the country competing at the brand new Shivalik Velodrome here, with Elkatohchoongo emerging on top ultimately.

When Elkatohchoongo landed in the UK for the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games, the British immigration officers were stumped when he told them his name. They asked him if David Beckham was his real name.

After double checking of his passport, he was allowed entry by the immigration officers.

Elkatohchoongo's name was given by his father who was a 'street footballer' and a fan of charismatic English football great and former captain David Beckham.

Elkatohchoongo's first love was also football but later shifted to cycling which is quite popular in Andaman and Nicobar Islands which has produced the likes of Deborah Herold, the first Indian cyclist to win a medal in Asian Senior Championships and world number four at one time.

Elkatohchoongo was the best Indian cyclist at the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, reaching to the quarterfinals.

His and 22-year-old Ronaldo's presence in the Indian cycling team for the Hangzhou Asian Games created a lot of buzz in the foreign media because of their names.

Ronaldo was given his name by his father as he was born