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Carrying on the dream: Fred Fox runs in Winnipeg to honour brother Terry

More than 43 years after Terry Fox ended what was meant to be a cross-Canada run, his older brother Fred crossed the finish line at the Terry Fox Run in Winnipeg, a city his little brother never reached on his Marathon of Hope.

"Winnipeg is pretty special," said Fox, whose family was originally from the city. 

"He was so looking forward to getting here, and Winnipeg was preparing for Terry to arrive," he continued, adding he'd seen some of the posters made to greet his brother back in 1980.

"It's too bad Terry didn't make it here, but it's better to know that people in Winnipeg — people right across the province — are continuing Terry's dream."

Terry Fox was only 18 when he was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma, a cancer that led to the amputation of his leg above the knee. 

"He did some research and found that not a lot of money was being directed toward cancer research," said Fox's older brother. "He decided during his chemotherapy treatments that one day, he'd do something about it."

A few years later, the younger Fox, who at the time lived in Port Coquitlam, about 30 kilometres east of Vancouver, started his run in St. John's on April 12, 1980. He surpassed his goal of raising the equivalent of $1 from every Canadian before he died on June 28, 1981. More than $850 million has been raised to date through annual community runs across Canada and around the world.

"He's changed the whole landscape of how cancer research looks in this country," said Fred Fox, manager of supporter relations of the Terry Fox Foundation. 

"We have some of the best researchers in the world today because of what Terry started in 1980. Lives have been changed, people are surviving their cancer diagnosis and living longer, being with their