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Asda's £1.40 'effective' hack that stops spiders coming into your home perfect for summer months

Summer is on the horizon, and with it comes the inevitable invasion of spiders seeking refuge in our homes. This year's influx of these eight-legged creatures is expected to be larger than usual, attributed to the warm and damp conditions of spring luring them indoors.

As a result, Brits are desperately seeking effective methods to either banish or prevent spiders from entering their abodes.

Thankfully, there's an affordable and straightforward solution.

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BestHeating's heating technology expert Jess Steele has shared a budget-friendly tip that can be found in most supermarkets, detailing additional steps to keep spiders at bay during the warmer months, reports the Express.

The miracle product? Peppermint oil or extract, retailing for as little as £1.40 at Asda or slightly more on Amazon.

Jess explains the rationale: "Peppermint oil provides a strong smell, and spiders are sensitive to them which makes it an effective yet cheap method of taking away the worry of finding creepy crawlies all over the home, without causing harm to them."

To combat spider entry, Jess suggests creating a peppermint spray by mixing the oil with water and applying it to curtain interiors, windowsills, and carpet corners. Additionally, using it in a diffuser can help deter spiders from frequently used rooms, and placing cotton buds soaked in the mixture in known spider hotspots can be particularly effective.

She explained: "Spiders smell with their legs so that's why powerful scents work well. For those with persistent issues try a mixture of smells such as citrus peels, herbs and spices like mint and cinnamon, and even using vinegar in a spray, as

Refugees reports prevention experts Provident Waters


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