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What comes after a world title? Canadian skier Jack Crawford is about to find out

Jack Crawford isn't exactly sure where he left his gold medal.

The 26-year-old skier from Toronto won the super-G at last year's world championships — a somewhat surprising result, given it was Crawford's first-ever victory. Then again, he did collect bronze in alpine combined at the Beijing Olympics in 2022, to go with fourth- and sixth-place finishes in downhill and super-G, respectively.

"I think [the gold medal is] somewhere in Whistler [B.C.]. It might be in Toronto. I'm not 100 per cent sure. But it's with a family member, so it's either with my parents or with my aunt," he told CBC Sports.

Not exactly a convenient — or cost-effective — treasure hunt.

"I think other people have different views on it, but I've never been a very materialistic person, so it's not the most important piece of those events," he said. "It's a cool piece of hardware to get, but the memory and being there and getting the chance to just do it and be a part of it, that's the more important piece to me."

WATCH | Crawford wins super-G gold medal:

After leaving Beijing with bronze, Crawford said he rued the missed opportunities in his other races — especially that agonizingly close downhill result, one shared by his aunt, Judy Crawford, at the 1972 Sapporo Olympics.

Now, though, he is a world champion. And a 2023-24 season without either of the sport's marquee events started with a whimper when each of Crawford's two scheduled races in Europe were cancelled due to uncooperative weather.

It all leaves Crawford in a bit of a bind — where to find drive now that he's reached the mountaintop.

"To actually do it, you never know if you will, so it's a little bit of relief, like a little validation. It's a weight off your shoulders that I don't

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